Season of Lent. Bonum est confiteri Domin, et psallere nomini tuo, Altissime. It is good to give praise to the Lord,and to sing to thy name, O Most High. Almighty and everlasting God,Who orders all things in Heaven and earth, We humbly implore thee to pour down upon all our fraternity the continual dew of thy blessings. Grant, we beseech thee, that every member of our Order may be endued with grace to perceive and use the unexampled opportunity which thou dost now present to us. Thy Fatherly love and protection has so wondrously preserved our Institution.That we pray for your inspiration to enable us by our individual example to spread the great principle of Brotherhood through every channel of this World. help us so that by increasing in the knowledge of you and in love of each other, All classes may be drawn together in the bonds of mutual understanding, Unity, and Peace, and so hasten the coming of thy day, when with our hearts and mind, we shall arrive together for the good of mankind and the honor and glory of thy most Holy Name..So Mote it be
Where the spirit of the G.A.O.T.U. is There is Liberty.and where the spirit of Masonry is, there is to be found enlightenment, truth and Liberty of conscience, that the insidious power of darkness, Hatred,Superstition and Fear can never never conquer.
We must inculcate the golden masonic truth of Brotherly Love.
We must inculcate the golden masonic truth of Brotherly Love.
Let the insignia Past Master Apron Chain Collar With Officers Jewel Masons wear be a guide and Inspiration in his Daily conduct,Let him be absolutely square with himself and his fellowman, and let exemplary conduct loyal obedience and respect to the dictates of his respective masonic bodies,prove to all mankind that he is indeed a mason in the highest and Noblest sense of the sacred word. Wear it with Pride always remembering where you was first made a Mason.